Friday, March 23, 2007

ABC Meme

A is for age: 11
B is for books: Love them! maybe my one addiction.
C is for career:Sister and student!
D is for dad's name: Michael Daren Lynn.
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Chocolate
F is for favorite song at the moment:Dive
H is for hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico
I is for instruments you play: I dont have a instrument!
J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry
K is for kids: I am not a Mom!
L is for living arrangements: 2 story, large house with large yard
M is for moms name: Kahri Edra Lynn.
N is for name of your best friends:Annabel, Allysa, Averi!
O is for overnight hospital stays: Never
P is for phobia[s]: none
Q is for quote you like:" For God gave is one and only son" John 3:16
R is for relationship/friendship that lasted the longest: Annabel!
S is for siblings: Emily, Jacob, Kaedra, Ethan, and Austin!
T is for best trait: I am Fun!
U is for unique trait(s): I can Suction out a two-year old!
V is for vegetable you love: Cucumber
W is for worst trait: ummmm?
X is for x-rays you've had: Two.
Y is for yummy food you make: brownies!
Z is for favorite animal at the zoo: I love all the animals!

1 comment:

The Zandi Zoo said...

Cool. I like it.

God Bless, Annabel