Monday, April 30, 2007

My testimony

I had to write a testimony for our mission trip. I thought I'd put it here to share with you.

My life is like a big roller coaster. It has twists, turns, bumps, straight paths and hills but God has always been here with me, through it all.

My mom got pregnant when I was 8 with my baby brother, Jacob, who didn’t make it through the birth and is now waiting for us in heaven. But God helped our family through this hard time. Then my sister Kaedra was born and in the hospital for ten months of her life. Finally, after ten months of praying, God answered our prayers, Kaedra could come home. Every day after that we had nurses at our house to take care of her. Recently we haven’t had any nursing which has been sort of hard. But God has always been there for us to help us through the hard times. Now I have a new baby brother, Ethan, and we have started getting use to life without nurses.

Then I wanted to go on this mission trip. My birth dad has been in Utah for 4 months and it took at least 3 and half months to get his signature for a passport. During that time it started to look hopeless but after praying continually, God used an unexpected person to help us. We had a fund raiser to earn money for this trip. I couldn’t think of many people to sponsor me but I prayed and now I have earned enough money to pay for everything plus a little left over. God always comes through and gives us more than He needs to.

No matter what has happened, God has always been beside me and with prayer and faith anything is possible.


The Zandi Zoo said...

That is really nice.


Our Family said...

God is so faithful! I loved reading your testimony Brittany!
~Kim b.

Sherria said...

Awesome testimony Britty!!!

The Zandi Zoo said...

You did a good job.


Susan said...

Wonderful writing and post, Britty. I'm very proud of you!