Friday, December 14, 2007

Living in an icy wonder land!!

We had a big storm here, in Oklahoma!! I said we were living in a Icy wonder land!!! It still isn't over, some people still don't have electricity, AND we are expecting snow! Don't get me wrong, I love snow, I just don't think we need it right now!! Anyway, here are some pics!!

Wow, doesn't that look awful??? Well I hope we don't have another storm like that!!!

My next blog,

The 6 point Mom!!!

My Mom held a party at Bass Pro Shop, and it was a lot of fun,(I took pics, so it was fun to ask kids to pose or smile!!!). At the end I got a chance to look around more and I saw something on a plaque, it looked like a pair of antlers on a clay mold!!??? When my Mom saw it she asked me to stand in it place, but I didn't want to so she did it!!! Lol, here are some pics!!

My Moms Friend, Amelia said it is very easy to catch,because you don't have to sneak up on it!!!! I said because it would run into trees and run off mountains!!

Isn't that funny!!! It was even funnier because somebody that worked there walked in, WHILE my Mom had her head in between the antlers!!! ROFL!!!!!!


The Zandi Zoo said...

I am glad you guys are all doing fine! That looks like a lot of ice. I love the pic of your mom and the antlers!LOL!


Amelia Antwiler said...

The pics of your mom with the antlers just makes my day. What a hoot.

I'm glad you were safe during the ice.

The Zandi Zoo said...

HAHAHAHA!!! ROTFL! Love the pic of your mom.