Thursday, June 28, 2007


I am finally done with school!!!! I have had a lot of fun this school year, all thanks to my Mom! I learned about Oklahoma History, so that was a lot of fun. I also for half the time learned Latin, then the other half I learned spanish for my Mission trip,(which will be next week!!!!!I am so excited!!)! I will be going in to 7th grade at the end of August!


ps. Your mom is so proud of you too! You did great this year. :-) Can't wait for next year, sweetie.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Busy summer!!

I am having a busy summer! This week I am going to Camp, we will go to the campsite, then go to the lake all after noon! Then when we get back we will play games out side and we will have a bonfire and have smores! Then the next day we will go to Frontier City all day long! Then a week later I am going on the mission trip!!
Then a week later it will be my birthday! I will be turning 12!! Then a week later I am going to Albuquerque!

So has you can see, I am having a busy summer!!